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Filomena Rodriguez

Filomena Rodriguez Coaching

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Filomena has worked as a qualified creative business and life coach and has over 20 years of experience working with creative people and creative businesses. During this time, she has had the privilege of coaching many talented individuals who are neurodivergent and with increasing visibility around this 


Filomena was diagnosed with dyslexia aged 33 and, last year, diagnosed as autistic. 


Being neurodivergent herself, has been a great advantage and offer her the opportunity to work with and learn from so many talented people and offers a unique lens to the worlds of personal, creative and business development. 


Filomena is a certified coach who specializes in helping creative people and businesses achieve their goals. She has more than two decades of experience in coaching clients from various creative fields, many of whom are neurodivergent. She is passionate about raising awareness and understanding of neurodiversity in the creative sector. 


Filomena discovered that she had dyslexia when she was 33 years old, and later last year learned that she was also autistic. She considers her neurodivergence as a strength that enables her to see things from different perspectives and to connect with her clients on a deeper level. She believes with the right support and guidance these unique gifts and talents can bring many unique and much needed resources to people and communities. 

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